
Cleveland ConCoction 2016

Cleveland ConCoction 2016 was an amazing weekend, and Barfleet was right there in the thick of it. Not only are there a number of Barfleet officers and crew involved in the convention itself, we hosted parties on Friday and Saturday nights, as well as hosting a wedding reception. If you were handed Anti-Scurvy during the weekend at Barfleet, it was because of the pirate wedding!

ConCoction 2016 was bigger than last year, and by all accounts was quite successful. As always, it’s a fun and active convention, with stuff going on until late (or all night, such as gaming). The hotel staff went above and beyond to accommodate the convention attendees, and really were great all around.

Convention special guest Larry Nemecek was made a Barfleet Admiral on Saturday night, an honor he was not expecting but one that he was more than happy to receive. He was seen displaying his new Admiral swag throughout Sunday.

We want to thank everyone who came out to ConCoction for the Casual’s 30th Birthday Party, an event which brought 5 of our 6 Captains, both Commodores, our privateer (the itinerant Captain Nigel) and even the governor of the Relaxia colony into one festive birthday party.

We’d also like to thank Cleveland Whiskey for being an amazing sponsor and making sure everyone had a great time and got to talk about and sample some great whiskey!

Next year, ConCoction will surely be even bigger…and better. Don’t miss it!

Commodore Allan Erickson

Photo of pirate fight during wedding.
Barfleet goes Pirating at ConCoction 2016!