

Mission Report – The Barfleet Mission to Star Trek 50

Commodore’s Log

A couple of weeks ago, a combined crew from all across Barfleet came together to take on a challenge that we had been planning for almost 2 years: Hosting a Barfleet Party at Star Trek’s biggest 50th Anniversary event. That crew rose to the challenge and succeeded well beyond our own expectations, with 2 very successful and fun nights of Barfleet entertainment.

This mission began as an idea over 3 years ago, when some folks who regularly attend the annual Star Trek convention in Las Vegas asked us if we might want to try bring our particular type of party to that event. We discussed it for several months before committing resources to it, and in 2015 a recon crew attended STLV to determine whether or not it was even possible. Could a group of people who all live and work east of the Mississippi actually pull off a decent party in Las Vegas, with limited resources and no way to get one of our Battle Bars to the scene?

As it happens…absolutely.

Planning for the mission included coordinating with 2 local Barfleet members who had relocated to the area from Ohio, something that made the entire mission significantly easier. Most of the crew flew to Las Vegas for the mission, but there were also 3 cars driven cross country that provided us with some needed cargo capacity to handle things that were too expensive or fragile to ship.

We knew we would not have one of our own Battle Bars; we also knew that the suite we would be using did not have a bar we could use. That challenge was met thanks to the creative and talented mission crew through the creation of a field expedient bar on-site. When completed, most of our guests had no idea that the bar we were serving from was built that very day using nothing but cardboard boxes, floor protection film, and gaffer’s tape.

We did not have nearly as many guests as we would have liked, but we were pleasantly crowded much of the time. Fleet Admiral Roddenberry and several other special guests made both nights special, and we met a lot of new friends who we hope to see more of in the future. We had some donations to the dispensary that were pleasant and unexpected, especially several bottles of excellent Marz Vodka. And while we may have had more stock than we were expecting at the end of things, that just means we will get to share some of it when we share our experiences of this amazing mission with the rest of Barfleet at the many conventions and private parties happening in the coming months.

I can’t say when we’ll be able to do another mission to STLV, but I can say this with absolute certainty: We’ll be back.

Commodore Sir Allan Cormach Erickson
Barfleet CIC, 1201-2400

Fort Drunkass
Fort Drunkass from the back.

Barfleet goes to Las Vegas

Are you going to Star Trek Las Vegas? Do you want to hang with Barfleet? If you plan to attend the convention on Thursday or Friday night, are over the age of 21 with a valid form of photo ID, and are looking for shenanigans, find someone wearing Barfleet tags, swag, or this logo and ask us about our plans!
Barfleet goes to Las Vegas

Cleveland ConCoction 2016

Cleveland ConCoction 2016 was an amazing weekend, and Barfleet was right there in the thick of it. Not only are there a number of Barfleet officers and crew involved in the convention itself, we hosted parties on Friday and Saturday nights, as well as hosting a wedding reception. If you were handed Anti-Scurvy during the weekend at Barfleet, it was because of the pirate wedding!

ConCoction 2016 was bigger than last year, and by all accounts was quite successful. As always, it’s a fun and active convention, with stuff going on until late (or all night, such as gaming). The hotel staff went above and beyond to accommodate the convention attendees, and really were great all around.

Convention special guest Larry Nemecek was made a Barfleet Admiral on Saturday night, an honor he was not expecting but one that he was more than happy to receive. He was seen displaying his new Admiral swag throughout Sunday.

We want to thank everyone who came out to ConCoction for the Casual’s 30th Birthday Party, an event which brought 5 of our 6 Captains, both Commodores, our privateer (the itinerant Captain Nigel) and even the governor of the Relaxia colony into one festive birthday party.

We’d also like to thank Cleveland Whiskey for being an amazing sponsor and making sure everyone had a great time and got to talk about and sample some great whiskey!

Next year, ConCoction will surely be even bigger…and better. Don’t miss it!

Commodore Allan Erickson

Photo of pirate fight during wedding.
Barfleet goes Pirating at ConCoction 2016!

A Note from Commodore Erickson

Upcoming Big Events for Barfleet in 2016

If you’re interested in partying with Barfleet in 2016, there are plenty of opportunities this year…but there are a few that will be even more fun than our normal shindigs.

First up is Cleveland ConCoction, happening March 11-13. Cleveland ConCoction is an all fan-run convention that’s still relatively new, and marks the return of fan-run cons in Cleveland. Along with an amazing weekend of all the normal convention activities, ConCoction will also be host to the 30th Anniversary of Barfleet’s first ship, the UBS Casual. The anniversary will be celebrated on Saturday night with as big a party as we can fit. As is typical of our convention parties, the event will be open to all registered guests of the convention and is free to attend for everyone over 21 with a con badge and a government-issued photo ID. We are also being assisted in this Anniversary endeavor by Cleveland Whiskey, who will be on hand with amazing bourbon and “moral support.”

Our other really big event this year will be a mission to Las Vegas for the Star Trek 50th Anniversary celebration in August. While we will not be doing anything that is an official part of the convention, we do plan to host some private parties for friends and invited guests. If you’re at the convention, look for the Barfleet contingent to secure your invitation.

Those are the events – beyond and above all the convention parties and other activities we do throughout the year – that are our most anticipated of 2016. We’re also pretty excited with our newest sponsor, the aforementioned Cleveland Whiskey, and we are hoping for a long and mutually beneficial relationship. If bourbon is your thing, give theirs a try. They use a modern science-based finishing system that allows the use of woods that you just don’t normally find in the whiskey world.

Please join us for what we hope will be a most intense 2016!

Commodore Allan Erickson
Commander-in-Chief, Barfleet